Source Reduction and Reuse

The Reduce Reuse and Repair – Micro grant Program – NYC

PowerPoint presentation of The Reduce, Reuse, and Repair Microgrant program in New York City (2020) Surfrider Foundation's checklist for evaluating ...

Surfrider Foundation EPR Guidance

Surfrider's Foundation's checklist for evaluating EPR products and packaging laws. (2021) [pdf-embedder url=""] ...

ILSR Statement on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging

This document explains why ILSR and many allied organizations are skeptical about adopting EPR for packaging and traditionally recycled materials ...

Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan (Zero Waste)

The Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan (Master Plan) projects future activities and services provided by Austin Resource Recovery (ARR or ...

Recommendations for Increasing Diversion: Austin, Texas

This document provides recommendations to move Austin beyond the plateau in residential diversion towards the 2015 and 2020 Zero Waste ...

Recycling and Reuse Tenants for Austin’s New [re]Manufacturing Hub

The City of Austin is accepting letters of interest from potential recycling and reuse industry tenants interested in locating at ...

The Current and Potential Economic Impacts of Austin Recycling and Reuse Related Activity

the City of Austin commissioned TXP, Inc. to evaluate the recycling and reuse sectors' economic impact. [pdf-embedder url=""] ...

Austin Resource Recovery – Master Plan

This updated master plan highlights the policies implemented,  the programs and actions, as well as the major programs requesting budget ...

NRC Policy Document #43: Reuse

The National Recycling Coalition definition of Reuse [pdf-embedder url="" title="43 - ReUse"] ...

NRC Policy Document #41: Incineration

The National Recycling Coalition policy on Incineration as a disposal method and not a form of recyling [pdf-embedder url="" title="42 ...

NRC Policy Document #40: Zero Waste

The National Recycling Coalition definition of Zero Waste [pdf-embedder url="" title="41 -Zero Waste"] ...

NRC Policy Document #19: Hierarchy of Waste Management Preferences

The National Recycling Coalition policy on the hierarchy of waste management preferences. [pdf-embedder url="" title="19 - Hierarchy of Waste Management ...

NRC Policy Document #16: Financing- Local Funding Authority

The National Recycling Coalition policy on Financing Local Funding Authority for Integrated Waste Management [pdf-embedder url="" title="16 - Financing- Local ...

NRC Policy Document #10: Recycling Economics

The National Recycling Coalition policy ono Recycling Economics- Accounting for Cost of Disposal and Utilization [pdf-embedder url="" title="10 -Recycling Economics- ...

NRC Policy Document #9: National Waste Reduction Goals

The National Recycling Coalition policy on National Waste Reduction Goals [pdf-embedder url="" title="9 - National Waste Reduction Goals"] ...

A Study of the Economic Activity of Minnesota’s Reuse, Repair and Rental Sectors

This study examines the economics associated reuse by: Estimating the reuse, repair, and rental sectors' employment numbers and economic activity; ...

Understanding Economic and Environmental Impacts of Single Stream Collection Systems 2009

In 2009, the Container Recycling Institute undertook a study on the impacts of single-stream collection of residential recyclables, with a ...

Waste Tire Management Fees

Author: New Your State - Department of Taxation and Finance Environmental Conservation Law in New York State has Scrap Tire ...

Purchasing Strategies: to Prevent Waste and Save Money

Author: Source Reduction Forum of the National Recycling Coalition This guide provides information and examples of how the procurement process ...

WasteWise Update: Remanufactured products: Good as new

Author: EPA The guideline introduces comprehensive information of remanufactured products to both consumers and manufactures. It includes steps for people ...

WasteWise update: building for the future

Author: EPA You can make your organization's buildings greener by improving their energy and water efficiency, employing renewable sources of ...

Decision-makers guide to solid waste management

Author: EPA This report presents problems and possible solutions to waste management issues for policymakers. It introduces the concept of ...

Resource Management: Strategic Partnerships for Resource Efficiency

Author: EPA Resource Management is a new concept of partnering with contractors to improve recycling rates, waste prevention, and other ...

Climate Change and Waste: Reducing Waste Can Make a Difference

Author: Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change and Waste: Reducing Waste Can Make a Difference Document Description: Explains climate change, the ...

Don’t Throw Away That Food: Strategies for Record-Setting Waste Reduction

Author: Environmental Protection Agency Fact sheet targeted at commercial and institutional food discard generators, and highlights record-setting food recovery programs ...

Delivering the Goods: Benefits of Reusable Shipping Containers

Author: INFORM: Strategies for a better environment Describes how reusing shipping containers can curtail packaging waste, offering environmental and economic benefits ...

Minimizing the increasing solid waste through zero waste strategy

Author: Journal of Cleaner Production A study discussing the challenges of solid waste, zero waste practices, and zero waste strategy ...

Waste Not, Want Not: A Student Manual To Create Zero Waste College Campuses

Author: University of Massachusetts – Amherst College campuses offer abundant opportunities for waste prevention. Here are case studies of campuses that ...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Author: Santa Barbra County Resource Recovery & Waste Management Division General tips and specific examples on ways to reuse items ...

Differences Between Household Waste Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Behaviour: a Study of Reported Behaviours, Intentions and Explanatory Variables

Author: Journal of Environmental and Waste Management Study looking into individual waste management. Looks at the difference in behaviors of ...

Managing and Reducing Wastes: A Guide for Commercial Buildings

Author: United States Environmental Protection Agency Guide for strategies to reduce waste in commercial buildings. Explains benefits of addressing waste, ...

State of the United States Circular Economy

Author: Circular CoLab The State of the Circular Economy in America delivers the first United States focused scan of the ...

Do Food Miles Really Matter?

Author: Harvard University Sustainability Rather than discuss the importance of food miles, the article intends to claim reducing meat consumption ...

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The Resource Library is a service of the National Recycling Coalition and is curated by student interns nationally with the NRC’s Campus Council.