Materials Processing

How Much Energy Does NYC Waste?

New York is the most wasteful megacity in the world according to a 2015 report on the percapita energy consumption ...


Almost half the materials Americans discard – food scraps, yard trimmings, and soiled paper – are compostable. While 58% of ...

Best Management Practices for Commercial Scale Composting Operations

Best Management Practices for Composting which provide technical information and assistance on the operation and management of compost sites, especially ...

One Person’s Trash is… another’s black gold.

Every year, Michigan landfills and trash incinerators receive 16 MILLION TONS of garbage. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Michigan Compost Infographic Michigan Recycling ...

Analysis of State Disaster Debris Management Plans

The heart of Emergency Management and Solid Waste Management is the protection of public life, health, welfare and the environment ...

More Funds for Growing Waste Export Budget and Organic Processing Capacity March 2020

The Department of Sanitation opened its fourth new marine transfer station (MTS) in Manhattan’s Yorkville neighborhood. All four MTS facilities—Yorkville, ...

PETE Woes To Continue It’s Time To Push Alternative Containers

Once the star of plastic recycling, has fallen upon hard times. Prices have plummeted, markets are disappearing, and some recyclers ...

Right to Repair Proposal

Right to Repair reforms, such as Assemblymember Susan Eggman's AB1163 from last session, require manufacturers to provide access to repair ...

ILSR Statement on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for Packaging

This document explains why ILSR and many allied organizations are skeptical about adopting EPR for packaging and traditionally recycled materials ...

Assessment of the Impact of Single Stream Recycling on Paper Contamination in Recovery Facilities and Paper Mills

The trend towards single-stream curbside recycling where paper and other recyclables are commingled with refuse and sorted at a processing ...

Trash and the City: Toward A Cleaner, More Equitable Waste Transfer System In Manhattan

New York City depends on trucks to take out the trash. In fact, diesel trucks carry Manhattan’s garbage 7.8 million ...

Sierra Club Beverage Container Guidance

The Sierra Club provides a 12-page guidance paper on beverage containers. It outlines how the program works, as well as ...

Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan (Zero Waste)

The Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan (Master Plan) projects future activities and services provided by Austin Resource Recovery (ARR or ...

Recommendations for Increasing Diversion: Austin, Texas

This document provides recommendations to move Austin beyond the plateau in residential diversion towards the 2015 and 2020 Zero Waste ...

NRC Policy Document #41: Incineration

The National Recycling Coalition policy on Incineration as a disposal method and not a form of recyling [pdf-embedder url="" title="42 ...

Procurement Guidelines for Recycled Paper

The NRC's Policy Document #7 - Procurement Guidelines for Recycled Paper. [pdf-embedder url="" title="7 - Procurement Guidelines for Recycled Paper"] ...

National Measurement Standards for Waste Production Recovery

The NRC's Policy Document #4 - National Measurement Standards for Waste Production Recovery. The document highlights the importance of having ...

Single-Stream Recycling – Scientific American

In this journal article, the author goes over the advantages and disadvantages of single-stream plastic, comparing that method to the ...

Resource Recycling 2010-2-SingleStreamUncovered

This study presents some findings on the economic and environmental impacts of single-stream recycling. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Resource Recycling 2010-2-SingleStreamUncovered"] ...

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The Resource Library is a service of the National Recycling Coalition and is curated by student interns nationally with the NRC’s Campus Council.