Legislation and Policy

Recycling in the U.S. Is Broken. How Do We Fix It?

In 1960, Americans generated 2.68 pounds of garbage per day; by 2017, it had grown to an average of 4.51 ...

The Reduce Reuse and Repair – Micro grant Program – NYC

PowerPoint presentation of The Reduce, Reuse, and Repair Microgrant program in New York City (2020) Surfrider Foundation's checklist for evaluating ...

Right to Repair Proposal

Right to Repair reforms, such as Assemblymember Susan Eggman's AB1163 from last session, require manufacturers to provide access to repair ...

Single vs Two Stream Policy Brief

The single-stream method is one of several options New York City’s recycling task force is looking at as it attempts ...

NYC Manhattan CB12 Fresh Kills

NYC Manhattan CB12 Fresh Kills traffic resolution May 22, 2022, NRC Library, Legislation and Policy NYC, Manhattan, NYC Manhattan CB12 ...

Washington State EPR bill

Washington’s Senate Bill 5697, extended producer responsibility (EPR) policies would cover all material types collected through the state’s existing recycling system and producers ...

New proposal would charge homes for amount of trash produced

Households would be charged for the amount of non-recyclable garbage they produce, similar to the model used for water, gas and electricity. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/New-proposal-would-charge-homes-for-amount-of-trash-produced.pdf" title="New proposal would charge homes ...

Memorandum in Opposition – Ban of Carryout Bag Fees

An act to ament the general city, in relation to prohibiting the imposition of any tax, fee or local change ...

NYC Local Law 19 of 1989 – Mandatory Recycling, Solid Waste Advisory Boards

Local Law 19 of 1989 mandates that New York City reduce and/ or recycle25 percent of all non-hazardous solid waste, ...

How Waste Monopolies are Choking Environmental Solutions

Monopoly power in the U.S. has reached catastrophic levels, affecting every corner of our economy and society. While this crisis ...

Hawaii EPR Bill

The “transitional” program is meant to sunset after five years and prioritizes projects with reuse elements. It does not include ...

Executive Order on Climate-Related Financial Risk The White House

The intensifying impacts of climate change present physical risk to assets, publicly traded securities, private investments, and companies such as ...

EPR Title 33 – New York Hochul 2022 Budget

The proposal calls for producers to either comply with the EPR law individually or join a producer responsibility organization, and producers would ...

What NYS Can Do to NYC Achieve It’s Zero Waste Goals

The NYS goal per the NYS Solid Waste Management Plan had a progressive reduction in the amount of waste managed ...

Zero Waste Europe policy paper on EPR

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a tool used to promote circular economy practices. This position paper goes over six different ...

NRC Framework for Evaluating Product Stewardship Policies

This white paper, published by the NRC in 2001, defines the concept of Product Stewardship and provides several examples of ...

Austin Outreach Plan

This document aims to complement the ongoing Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) in public outreach projects and ensure their effectiveness. The ...

Zero Waste Policy Discussion – Austin Resource Recovery

Zero Waste Policy Discussion Presentation v5all w BG edits ...

Austin Personnel Policies

This Personnel Policies manual contains policies for City of Austin Non-Civil Service employees. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Austin-Personnel-Policies.pdf" title="Austin Personnel Policies"] ...

Austin Administrative Rules

The Austin Resources Recovery Administrative Rules are intended to assist ARR,  a Department of the City of Austin, in the ...

Framework For Advancing Container Recovery

NRC's Policy Document no. 44 - Framework for Advancing Container Recovery [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/44-FRAMEWORK-FOR-ADVANCING-CONTAINER-RECOVERY.pdf" title="44 - FRAMEWORK FOR ADVANCING CONTAINER RECOVERY"] ...

NRC Policy Document #43: Reuse

The National Recycling Coalition definition of Reuse [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/43-ReUse.pdf" title="43 - ReUse"] ...

NRC Policy Document #41: Incineration

The National Recycling Coalition policy on Incineration as a disposal method and not a form of recyling [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/42-Incineration.pdf" title="42 ...

NRC Policy Document #40: Zero Waste

The National Recycling Coalition definition of Zero Waste [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/41-Zero-Waste.pdf" title="41 -Zero Waste"] ...

Recycling Definition Policy

The NRC's definition of recycling is featured in this policy document. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/40-Recycling-Definition-Policy.pdf" title="40 - Recycling Definition Policy"] ...

Sustainable Financing Extended Producer Responsibility

NRC's Policy Document #39 - Sustainable Financing Extended Producer Responsibility. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/39-Sustainable-Financing-Extended-Producer-Responsibility.pdf" title="39 - Sustainable Financing Extended Producer Responsibility"] ...

Education Outreach Public Involvement in Promoting Recycling

NRC's Policy Document #38 - Education Outreach Public Involvement in Promoting Recycling. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/38-Education-Outreach-Public-Involvement-in-Promoting-Recycling-1.pdf" title="38 - Education Outreach Public Involvement ...

National Database on Recycling Capacity

NRC's Policy Document #37 - National Database on Recycling Capacity. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/37-National-Database-on-Recycling-Capacity.pdf" title="37 - National Database on Recycling Capacity"] ...

Market Development Recommended Market Development Instruments Activities

The NRC's Policy Document #36 - Recommended Market Development Instruments Activities [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/36-Market-Development-Recommended-Market-Development-Instruments-Activities-Copy.pdf" title="36 - Market Development Recommended Market Development ...

Market Development Increasing Demand for Recycled Products

The NRC's Policy Document #35 - Market Development Increasing Demand for Recycled Products [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/35-Market-Development-Increasing-Demand-for-Recycled-Products.pdf" title="35 - Market Development Increasing ...

Market Development Building a Recycling Materials Manufacturing Base

The NRC's Policy Document #34 - Building a Recycling Materials Manufacturing Base [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/34-Market-Development-Building-a-Recycling-Materials-Manufacturing-Base.pdf" title="34 - Market Development Building a ...

Legislation and Regulation Volume-Based Refuse Collection Fees

The NRC's Policy Document #33 - Legislation and Regulation Volume - Based Refuse Collection Fees [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/33-Legislation-and-Regulation-Volume-Based-Refuse-Collection-Fees.pdf" title="33 - Legislation ...

Legislation and Regulation Support of Basel Convention

The NRC's Policy Document #32 - Legislation and Regulation Support of Basel Convention [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/32-Legislation-and-Regulation-Support-of-Basel-Convention.pdf" title="32 - Legislation and Regulation ...

Legislation and Regulation Recycled Content Product Standards

The NRC's Policy Document #31 - Legislation and Regulation Recycled Content Product Standards [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/31-Legislation-and-Regulation-Recycled-Content-Product-Standards.pdf" title="31 - Legislation and Regulation ...

Legislation and Regulation Opportunity to Recycle Legislation

The NRC's Policy Document #30 - Legislation and Regulation Opportunity to Recycle Legislation. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/30-Legislation-and-Regulation-Opportunity-to-Recycle-Legislation.pdf" title="30 - Legislation and Regulation ...

Legislation and Regulation Landfill Tipping Fees

The NRC's Policy Document #29 - Legislation and Regulation Landfill Tipping Fees [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/29-Legislation-and-Regulation-Landfill-Tipping-Fees.pdf" title="29 - Legislation and Regulation Landfill ...

Legislation and Regulation Degradable Plastics Use

the NRC's Policy Document #28 - Legislation and Regulation Degradable Plastics Use. This policy document goes over the problem behind ...

Education Outreach National Recycling Coalition Role in Recycling Education Outreach

The NRC's Policy Document #27 - National Recycling Coalition Role in Recycling Education Outreach [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/27-Education-Outreach-National-Recycling-Coalition-Role-in-Recycling-Education-Outreach.pdf" title="27 - Education Outreach ...


The NRC's Policy Document #26 - Composting. It goes over the rationale of the word, and where the organization stands ...

Education Outreach Establishment of K-12 Recycling Curriculum

The NRC's Policy Document #24 - Establishment of K-12 Recycling Curriculum. This policy emphasizes the importance of included environmental education ...

Education Outreach National Clearinghouse for Recycling Information

The NRC's Policy Document #25 - National Clearinghouse for Recycling Information. It emphasizes the needs to make important information more ...

Education Outreach Establishment of College University Curriculum

The NRC's Policy Document #23 - Establishment of College University Curriculum. This document emphasizes the importance of having adequate environmental ...

Education Outreach Establishment of Annual Recycle Week

The NRC's Policy Document #22 - Establishment of Annual Recycle Week. The policy states that it supports the enactment of ...

Building Construction Codes

The NRC's Policy Document #21 - Building Construction Codes. The Policy advocates for the development of guidelines and codes for ...

Basic Recycling Practices

The NRC's Policy Document #20 - Basic Recycling Practices. The NRC proposes a series of feasible actions to promote waste ...

NRC Policy Document #19: Hierarchy of Waste Management Preferences

The National Recycling Coalition policy on the hierarchy of waste management preferences. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/19-Hierarchy-of-Waste-Management-Preferences-1.pdf" title="19 - Hierarchy of Waste Management ...

Legislation and Regulation Cost Effective Recycling Infrastructure

The NRC's Policy Document #18 - Cost Effective Recycling Infrastructure. [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/18-Legislation-and-Regulation-Cost-Effective-Recycling-Infrastructure.pdf" title="18 - Legislation and Regulation Cost Effective Recycling ...

Financing- Local Rate Setting Structures to Support Recycling

The NRC's Policy Document #17 - Local Rate Setting Structures to Support Recycling. The policy states that the cost of ...

NRC Policy Document #16: Financing- Local Funding Authority

The National Recycling Coalition policy on Financing Local Funding Authority for Integrated Waste Management [pdf-embedder url="https://library.nrcrecycles.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/16-Financing-Local-Funding-Authority-for-Integrated-Waste-Management.pdf" title="16 - Financing- Local ...

Financing- Fiscal Policies for Public Sector Solid Waste Investments

The NRC's Policy Document #15 - Fiscal Policies for Public Sector Solid Waste Investments. The rationale of this document is ...

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