Market Development

Memorandum in Opposition – Ban of Carryout Bag Fees

An act to ament the general city, in relation to prohibiting the imposition of any tax, fee or local change ...

Austin Zero Waste Master Plan – Economic Development

AUSTIN Zero Waste Master Plan - Economic Development ...

Austin Recycling Market Development Program

Austin is creating a comprehensive program to help build and sustain markets for recyclable materials being collected through the Zero ...

Austin Cost Benefit Curbside Services

The Austin Resource Recovery provides a cost benefit analysis on curbside services FY 2014-15. [pdf-embedder url="" title="Austin Cost Benefit - ...

Remanufacturing Hub Update Memo

Memo to the Mayor and City Council of Austin, TX by Bob Gedert and Kevin Johns. The purpose of this ...

[re]Manufacturing Hub Presentation

[pdf-embedder url="" title="[re]Manufacturing Hub_Presentation"] ...

Market Development Recommended Market Development Instruments Activities

The NRC's Policy Document #36 - Recommended Market Development Instruments Activities [pdf-embedder url="" title="36 - Market Development Recommended Market Development ...

Market Development Increasing Demand for Recycled Products

The NRC's Policy Document #35 - Market Development Increasing Demand for Recycled Products [pdf-embedder url="" title="35 - Market Development Increasing ...

Market Development Building a Recycling Materials Manufacturing Base

The NRC's Policy Document #34 - Building a Recycling Materials Manufacturing Base [pdf-embedder url="" title="34 - Market Development Building a ...

Financing Contingency Planning for Recycling Markets

The NRC's Policy Document #11 - Financing Contingency Planning for Recycling Markets. [pdf-embedder url="" title="11 - Financing Contingency Planning for ...

Market Development Market Cooperatives

The NRC's Policy Document #3 - Market Development, Market Cooperatives. [pdf-embedder url="" title="3- Market Development Market Cooperatives"] ...

A Financing Guide for Recycling Businesses: Investment Forums, Meetings, and Networks

Author: Unites States Environmental Protection Agency This publication is designed for recycling entrepreneurs and economic developers seeking capital for recycling ...

Environmental Management System

Author: EPA Environmental Management System (EMS) is a formal set of policies and procedures that define how an organization will ...

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Author: EPA Environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP) is a concept that melds procurement and environmental sustainability conscious purchasing strategy, advocates multifaceted ...

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